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1. 减肥英语怎么说短语

weight是一个名词。常用搭配有 lose weight 减肥;put on weight 增肥/发福。

2. 减肥的英语怎么说?

1.fat 肥胖的;  

2.chubby 胖乎乎的(多指小孩和女子);  

3.heavyset 体格魁伟的;  

4.corpulent 肥胖的;  

5.dumpy 矮胖的;  

6.obese 肥胖的;  

7.plump 丰满的;肥胖的;  

8.stout 强壮的;结实的;  

9.overweight 超重的;  

10.lose weight 减肥

3. 你应该减肥的英语怎么说

Yes, I like it beacuse it can help me lose weight.

4. 减肥英语怎么说keep fit

keep fit是保持健康,养生的意思。

lose weight才是减肥。




5. 减肥英语怎么说put weight

1、take off weight字面意思:脱掉重量/体重加工翻译:减肥;减轻体重2、表达特点:减肥时,体重减轻,就好像是身上脱掉了一层由脂肪组成的衣服一样。因此,take off weight 是很形象的一种表达。3、替换理解:take off weight=lose weight

6. 减肥英语怎么说put

put on不等于lose weight

put on:


lose weight:

v. 减肥;体重减轻

When you are stressed take time to put on a smile .当你感到压力,你该抽出时间装个微笑。

Why would you put on a costume ?你们为什么要穿上这套服装呢?

Chief mandela put on a canary-yellow sport coat .曼德拉酋长穿上淡黄色的运动外套。

I could do everything but put on my socks .除了穿袜子,其它任何事情我都能做。

He got out of bed and put on some clothes .他从床上起来,穿上几件衣服。

But it won 't take a superman to put on this super device .但是要穿上这套设备,并不是只有超人才行。

7. 开始减肥的英语怎么说

减肥开始Start to lose weight减肥开始Start to lose weight

8. 减肥的英语怎么说语音

there is no doubt that obesity has become a disturbing problem which is considered as harmful to our health. however, when it comes to the ways to fight against obesity, different people have different views. some people think we could eat less so that we will absorb less, while the rest of them argue that we could do more exercise as well as eating healthily. personally, i agree with the later one.


